Monthly Archives: November 2015

Missing magazine copies reduce subscription to a magazine

Checking the india today website , it was observed that Money Today magazine was no longer available from the india today group. It appears that money today has joined the long list of magazines which have shut down in the last few years, the biggest loss being Chip magazine which had very good CDs and software available with it. If the magazines do not take up the missing issue problem with their delivery channel, they could be the greatest loser.
A subscriber who finds that magazines copies are missing every month, will get tired of writing to customer support to resend the missing copy of the magazine, and prefer to stop the subscription instead.
If the magazine is available for free in the local library why should the subscriber pay thousands of rupees for a magazine which is not delivered to him or her.
Hence the magazines should closely monitor the postal or courier system they are using to ensure that the copies are delivered in time.

India today, Readers digest copies not delivered

The obc domain investor who finds copies of the India today magazine missing often, usually at least one copy a month missing in goa, enquired with the postman regarding the missing issues of the magazine. The postman said that he was delivering all copies of the magazine which he received on time, however it was observed that copies of india today and readers digest were often missing for many of the subscribers of these magazines, who would then complain to him.
Copies of niche magazines and business magazines are less likely to be stolen or missing.
So general interest magazines appear to be more likely to be stolen by someone who knows the postal system very well. Is the theft intentional?

Another India today issue missing

R&AW, ntro, cbi and/or other officials in panaji, goa are intercepting, diverting and stealing the correspondence of a harmless single woman engineer after making completely fake black money, security threat and money laundering allegations without any proof at all, for more than 5 years. It appears that they are making the false allegations only to steal the correspondence, especially the magazines to which the obc engineer has subscribed to, so that she faces losses and wastes time.
The latest stolen/missing issue of india today was dated November 16, 2015, though later issues dated November 30, 2015 were delivered. This has happened repeatedly for the last few years, and the dCan the R&AW, ntro, cbi officials openly explain what national security issue is involved in stealing india today copies repeatedly. If the agents of the intelligence agencies in panaji, goa are extremely dishonest, greedy and, will steal magazines and cannot be relied on, then these intelligence agency officials should not give these fraud agents great powers allowing them to intercept and keep correspondence of a harmless civilian.

In other parts of india also correspondence is monitored, however the intelligence agency officials are more honest and will usually ensure that the magazine subscriber will get the magazines they are paying their hard earned money for.

India today, Readers digest copies not delivered

The obc domain investor who finds copies of the India today magazine missing often, usually at least one copy a month missing in goa, enquired with the postman regarding the missing issues of the magazine. The postman said that he was delivering all copies of the magazine which he received on time, however it was observed that copies of india today and readers digest were often missing for many of the subscribers of these magazines, who would then complain to him.
Copies of niche magazines and business magazines are less likely to be stolen or missing.
So general interest magazines appear to be more likely to be stolen by someone who knows the postal system very well. Is the theft intentional?