Earlier blue dart was delivering the drafts and other documents for most companies
Their staff is very professional in delivery
Now it appears that some companies like kfintech have replaced bluedart with smartr.
It would be interesting to find out the reason for the replacement
Author Archives: admin
Wedding invitation sent by relative not delivered as part of correspondence theft racket
In addition to stealing the emails, orders, leads , government agencies are also stealing all the courier correspondence sent to the domain investor, engineer as part of the identity, resume theft racket
While the fraud government employees involved in the resume, identity theft racket, accounting fraud, have killed the domain investor professionally in india, since only certain communities are subjected to resume theft, the relatives remain in contact.
Yet showing the extent of the atrocities , even the wedding invitation sent by a relative was not delivered since it would expose the identity theft fraud.
Tirupati couriers had contacted on phone regarding the wedding invitation and though there was some one at home , the courier was never delivered
Aftab poonawala allegedly inspired by siddhi mandrekar specializing in correspondence theft
One of the most shocking aspects of the shraddha walkar case is how the murder was not detected till 5 months later, because the alleged murderer Aftab Poonawala had isolated her completely and she was not in regular touch with anyone
While the media is criticizing Aftab Poonawala, they fail to report how the top indian government employees like greedy goan raw employee siddhi mandrekar and her boyfriends top government employees are even worse, isolating single women professionals who they hate, to steal everything they can without being questioned
Many people have told the domain investor that she cannot be accessed, because top indian government employees are robbing all her correspondence without a legally valid reason to isolate her as part of the identity theft racket
Blinded by hate the domain investor finds that all her email, sms, phone calls,postal mail, couriers are diverted to the girlfriends and associates of the greedy government employees to isolate her, as part of the impersonation, extortion racket.The greedy girlfriends allegedly siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, ruchita kinge are worse than aftab poonawala, terminating almost all the phone calls,stealing smses, couriers, mail isolating the domain investor completely
Detective required to investigate correspondence theft
Detective required to investigate correspondence theft of a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor since 2010 without a legally valid reason
The domain investor has changed her address repeatedly, yet her correspondence is being diverted and stolen allegedly by government agencies to isolate her and cause great financial losses
Interested detectives can contact on info@blogposts.in
Even financial service providers are not able to send any courier
Though the fraud government employees have stolen the resume, data of the domain investor to get their favorite goan call girls, cheater housewives, sindhi school dropouts and other frauds no work, no investment government jobs allegedly in raw/cbi since 2010 , the domain investor still controls her savings, since the financial sector is well regulated
Yet showing ruthless the rich and powerful in india are in identity, resume theft, even financial service providers are not able to send any form to her by courier. The couriers are being told that she is not at home, or the house is locked
So the only way to collect any form is having a staff member visit personally.
Credit card issuer had to send credit card repeatedly
It appears that someone very powerful is trying to falsely prove that the domain investor is missing
The person is also telling the postal staff no to deliver.
The credit card issuer sent the credit card at least twice and it was not delivered, though the domain investor was present.
Finally the credit card issuer sent the credit card by courier, along with the return envelope from the postal department
Different courier charges in bengaluru and panaji
The domain investor sent couriers to bengaluru, one courier charged Rs 50, and the other is charging Rs 80
On the other hand, for sending from bengaluru to panaji, a senior citizen was charged Rs 100
It would be interesting to find why the charges on the same route are different for the same courier company.
The postal department is charging far less for the delivery.
Courier takes 3 days to deliver letter in bengaluru
The first time the domain investor sent a letter to a senior citizen in bengaluru it was delivered in one day.
The next time she sent a letter to the same address, it was delivered in three days.
This clearly indicates how ruthless the identity theft gang is in harassing the domain investor, that even her mails are taking more time
Registered post intimation stolen in panaji, goa
The postman is usually sending a registered post intimation if there is no one at home. However in January 2020, the domain investor was not in goa, and it appears that someone has stolen the registered post intimation, it was not found.
This indicates the extent of harassment of the domain investor
Correspondence of goa 1989 jee topper ROBBED by goan bhandari R&AW employee slim sunaina chodan who has threatened to bash her up
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Indicating the poor social status of experienced engineers in goa, and the terrible business conditions the Correspondence of goa 1989 jee topper is ROBBED by goan bhandari R&AW employee CALL GIRL slim sunaina chodan without a legally valid reason,
Slim goan bhandari raw employee call girl sunaina chodan has has also threatened to bash up the engineer on 28 March 2019 based on imaginary voices that sunaina and her sisters are hearing , since voice to skull technology is being used on them
In most states of india, harmless state JEE toppers are not labelled a security threat without any legally valid proof and denied their fundamental rights
Only in goa , the harmless goa 1989 JEE topper is falsely labelled a security threat without any legally valid proof for the last ten years, while those who threaten to bash her up like goan bhandari R&AW employee slim sunaina chodan and threaten to kill her, like sunaina’s sister are considered role models and given great powers in goa by the government and society
This is because the nepotism levels in goan intelligence and security agencies in goa are the highest, and those who have relatives holding top positions in intelligence and security agencies like pritesh chodankar can commit any type of crimes without being questioned.