Fake allegations of black money without any evidence at all, have been used by google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi to defame, cheat and exploit hardworking indian paypal account holders, get lucrative raw/cbi jobs for goan call girls, document robbers, school dropouts, cheater housewives and other frauds in a sex, bribery racket, banking,online fraud since 2010
However most people do not realize that google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi are using an extremely flawed system for measuring black money
They are monitoring the paypal account holder to check if the person is spending cash daily and using it to make fake black money allegations
However they fail to realize that on some days, the person is too busy to go out shopping especially if there are no good shops located in the area where the person is living or going
So when the person is going to the main market area where a lot of shops are located, the paypal account holder may spend Rs 1800- Rs 3000 in a single day, while on other days, the person may stay at home and not spend any money. Unlike the 10 google, tata sponsored SEX worker, fraud raw/cbi employees who get a government salary without doing any work, for falsely claiming to own the paypal account, the paypal account holder is only paid when she does work, so she cannot go out everyday for shopping
However the fraud pathological liar raw/cbi/ntro/google, tata employees are only listing the days when no money or less money is spent to make fake black money allegations, they are not listing the days when the paypal account holder is spending Rs 3000 cash in a day. Most people have a similar spending pattern, they do not go out shopping every day , especially for high value items.
Rs 10000- Rs 12000 cash withdrawn in a month is a very small amount, if the paypal account holder is spending Rs 1800 in a day, the money will be spent in 7-8 days when the person goes to the main shopping area, yet the shameless pimp liar tata employees continue to make fake black money allegations to pamper, reward lazy greedy goan prostitutes, frauds, school dropouts, cheater raw/cbi employees
To ensure that the domain investor could not go shopping for 7 days, google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi intentionally delayed the expressbees delivery for the nurserylive order. The consignment had reached panaji on 16-17 November, 2018, however it was delivered only on 22 November 2018 because google, tata , did not want the domain investor, paypal account holder to go shopping in panaji, so that they could continue with their fake black money allegations. The paypal account holder was waiting in her home for 6 days waiting for the expressbees delivery.