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Can the government explain why raw/cbi employees riddhi, siddhi and sunaina are not stealing the correspondence of other domain investors for 9 years

The TCS code robbery case in the united states for which it is facing a lawsuit, is a reflection of the widespread robbery, crime, finacial fraud in the indian tech and it sector with the indian government falsely claiming that sex worker, cheater housewife, document robber, school dropout and other fraud raw/cbi employees have the resume, savings, own the domains, websites of a private citizen, to pay all these frauds a monthly government salary

There are thousands of domain investors in India, many of them own more domains than the domain investor owning this website. None of these domain investors are facing the problem of their correspondence being stolen by raw/cbi employees for more than 9 years. Other than the domains which are listed for sale, the domain investor is just a harmless private citizen.

In 2010-2011, to criminally defame the engineer the ntro employees had their associates make fake allegations against the engineer,domain investor who they hated, without any proof, yet they are just allegations, they cannot be used to legally steal the correspondence of the engineer. In a clear indication that the ntro employees and their associates are LIARS, NTRO employees have refused to provide any information about the allegations to the engineer who they cheated

yet since 2010, almost all her correspondence is being diverted and stolen by the google sponsored raw/cbi employees riddhi nayak who looks like actress kangana ranaut, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, without a legally valid reason, causing great losses to her, affecting the domain investor personally and professionally. these raw/cbi employees are using the stolen correspondence to run a very lucrative extortion racket.

India officially claims that all citizens are equal, so why is the correspondence of a harmless single woman engineer ROBBED by robber raw/cbi employees like sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak for more than 9 years without a legally valid reason, when raw/cbi do not ROB CORRESPONDENCE of other engineers and domain investors without a legally valid reason

Fraud raw/cbi employees sunaina, naina, misguiding courier companies in panaji, goa, so that books for review are not delivered

The google, tata masterminded identity theft racket on a single woman engineer, domain investor, in panaji, goa involves ensuring that no one in india is in contact with her. Many people want to send books for review, however due to fake relocation stories of google, tata employees and their stooges, the books are not being delivered in panaji, goa

So the shameless section 420 fraud google, tata employees are ruthless in making up fake stories that the domain investor has relocated, though the engineer is visiting her home almost daily when she is in Goa
All the courier companies are falsely told by the google, tata sponsored frauds like goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina, gujju school dropout cbi employee housewife naina , that the engineer has relocated, so that they do not try to contact the engineer on phone, or leave an intimation in panaji, goa. These fraud raw/cbi employees are aware of the fact that the engineer is visiting at least once a day, yet being pathological shameless liars, they are misleading the courier companies. The domain investor has noticed the gujju fraud observing her everytime she is entering and leaving the housedd

In all other states, the courier will at least contact on phone, the domain investor gets almost no phone call daily, so it is very unlikely that her phone is engaged.This clearly shows how ruthless the google, tata employees are in ensuring that their sex, bribery racket in panaji, goa is not exposed

Expressbees delivery delayed as part of google, tata black money, sex, bribery racket,online fraud

Fake allegations of black money without any evidence at all, have been used by google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi to defame, cheat and exploit hardworking indian paypal account holders, get lucrative raw/cbi jobs for goan call girls, document robbers, school dropouts, cheater housewives and other frauds in a sex, bribery racket, banking,online fraud since 2010

However most people do not realize that google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi are using an extremely flawed system for measuring black money
They are monitoring the paypal account holder to check if the person is spending cash daily and using it to make fake black money allegations
However they fail to realize that on some days, the person is too busy to go out shopping especially if there are no good shops located in the area where the person is living or going
So when the person is going to the main market area where a lot of shops are located, the paypal account holder may spend Rs 1800- Rs 3000 in a single day, while on other days, the person may stay at home and not spend any money. Unlike the 10 google, tata sponsored SEX worker, fraud raw/cbi employees who get a government salary without doing any work, for falsely claiming to own the paypal account, the paypal account holder is only paid when she does work, so she cannot go out everyday for shopping

However the fraud pathological liar raw/cbi/ntro/google, tata employees are only listing the days when no money or less money is spent to make fake black money allegations, they are not listing the days when the paypal account holder is spending Rs 3000 cash in a day. Most people have a similar spending pattern, they do not go out shopping every day , especially for high value items.

Rs 10000- Rs 12000 cash withdrawn in a month is a very small amount, if the paypal account holder is spending Rs 1800 in a day, the money will be spent in 7-8 days when the person goes to the main shopping area, yet the shameless pimp liar tata employees continue to make fake black money allegations to pamper, reward lazy greedy goan prostitutes, frauds, school dropouts, cheater raw/cbi employees

To ensure that the domain investor could not go shopping for 7 days, google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi intentionally delayed the expressbees delivery for the nurserylive order. The consignment had reached panaji on 16-17 November, 2018, however it was delivered only on 22 November 2018 because google, tata , did not want the domain investor, paypal account holder to go shopping in panaji, so that they could continue with their fake black money allegations. The paypal account holder was waiting in her home for 6 days waiting for the expressbees delivery.

More lucrative being an Amazon delivery boy than working online, investing in domains in Goa

Amazon pays their delivery person in goa Rs 10 per item delivered, and in a day, most delivery persons are delivering 40-50 items at least , so they make Rs 500 daily or rs 15000 monthly.

On the other hand, despite spending more than Rs 3.5 lakh annually on domain and webhosting expenses, and spending 8 hours daily, single women domain investors like the google competitor are not making any money online, they make less than Rs 10000 monthly, because of the google, tata, NTRO sex, bribery racket, banking, financial, paypal fraud with fraud raw/cbi employees faking domain ownership.

So working online is a waste of time and money , it is better to become an Amazon or flipkart delivery person in goa

Post office server connection, network in goa are not working repeatedly as NTRO covers up their SEX, BRIBERY racket, banking fraud

NTRO employees led by j srinivasan, puneet, parmar are so ruthless in covering their banking, financial fraud, sex, bribery racket on the google competitor, that they are ensuring that the post offices computer network is down whenever the google competitor has to send some item by speed post.
On August 27, 2018, the Miramar post office server, network was down, and the google competitor had to go to the panjim head post office to send a speed post, wasting more than one hour.
Again on September 12, 2018, the , the Miramar post office server, network was down, and the google competitor had to go to the panjim head post office to send a speed post, wasting more than one and half hour of her time.

There is almost no money to be made online due to the google, tata sex, bribery racket,casteism, corruption, nepotism, so now the google competitor will focus on selling her plants, accepting cash payment in her bank account, instead of wasting her time online, working like a slave trying to get orders from foreign customers, when all orders are diverted and stolen to google tata associates like the hyper immature chennai fraud anjana thames
It is time that the ntro employees led by parmar, honestly admit that they framed, cheated, exploited and defamed an innocent engineer without a legally valid reason, she never cheated anyone in her life, and stop hacking the post office network, trying to cover up the fraud.
The cunning fraud powerful ntro employees wanted to ensure that the google competitor did not send the plant on september 12, 2018, so that they could defame her further and ensure that she got no orders in future also

Postal network connection not working in Miramar post office as ntro employees are busy with their extra marital affairs and other frauds

In a clear indication of the extreme incompetence of top officials , ntro employees are allowed to waste infinite tax payer money and resources pampering the lazy greedy women with whom they are having extra marital affairs, and do not bother to maintain essentials like the post office network.
The server connection is not working at the Miramar, Panaji post office for the last 4 days since Friday, 24 August 2018.
so anyone who goes to the post office for sending a registered, speed post, money order or similar activities they either have to postpone their activities or waste their time, money and go to another post office some distance away.
This is a major problem with many smaller post offices all over India, the server connection is not working for at least 3-4 days and the customers are wasting their time visiting the post office and checking whether it is working or not
NTRO employees should ensure nearly 100% uptime for the postal network as they are getting a very good salary, pension after retirement, yet they are too busy pampering their lazy greedy mediocre girlfriends like the kolhapur born school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons, looks like actress sneha wagh, goan call girl R&AW employee bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak, nayanshree hathwar, indore document robber veena and other fraud raw/cbi employees faking ownership of websites , domains including this one.
The domain investor, google competitor whose identity has been stolen by the fraud ntro employees to get their lazy fraud girlfriends raw/cbi jobs, owning this and other websites is able to maintain almost 100% uptime for more than 400 websites alone , why are so many sex, money bribe ntro employees unable to maintain 100% uptime of the postal network, or are the ntro employees busy freelancing for google, tata, that they cannot offer technical support to government organizations like the department of posts.

Failed Amazon delivery due to google, tata, ntro, goan government financial, identity theft racket

Bribed by google, tata to defame, cheat and exploit the google competitor to destroy her life , ntro employees refuse to acknowledge the fact that is alone is spending her time and money on computer hardware and related products, these shameless ntro employees , goan government falsely claims that google, tata sponsored goan prostitutes, cheater housewives, school dropouts and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money and time online , are online experts, domain investor, spending money on computers, printers and related products when actually these google, tata sponsored frauds especially in panaji, do not spend any money online

The section 420 fraud google, tata employees have been so successful in their goan PROSTITUTION, BRIBERY RACKET, FINANCIAL FRAUD, that almost everyone blindly believes in goa their complete lies especially the extremely corrupt security agency employees, who falsely claim that goan prostitutes, school dropouts and other frauds are online experts, domain investors causing problems for others like the Amazon delivery service which relies on government employees

So when the google competitor placed an order for a Gocolor inkjet refill kit, the amazon delivery people blindly believed in the lies of the fraud google, tata =, ntro employees who falsely claimed that the order was placed by google, tata sponsored fraud school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons , who looks like actress sneha wagh, goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina who looks like actress mallika sherawat, when these greedy fraud raw/cbi employees had not placed any order and will not pay the associated credit card bill.

For the other items, the order was delivered on weekdays, as the google competitor does not visit her mailing address on sundays due to travel or other reasons. However because of the NTRO, google, tata fraud of falsely claiming that the gocolor refill kit order was placed by the greedy lazy fraud raw/cbi employees , the Amazon delivery person tried to deliver the item on Sunday late in the evening, as the fraud raw/cbi employees are at home on Sunday.

Naturally these google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees impersonating the google competitor, will not accept the google competitors order, as it is will expose their fraud, so the Amazon delivery attempted on 29 July 2018 failed . It is time that R&AW/cbi are honest that they have hired their employees only because they have powerful friends, lovers, relatives, sugar daddies and not because they are online experts, domain investors, working on computers or experienced engineers, because many businesses are affected due to the lies

Navhind times supplement missing

The google competitor is repeatedly harassed by the local intelligence and security agencies in panaji, goa to cover up their identity theft racket, real estate fraud.
After upturning the containers for collecting the rain water earlier, on 14 July 2018 , the google competitor found that the supplement of Navhind times which is delivered to her house in panaji, goa, daily was missing.

Either the newspaper delivery person had missed out on delivering the supplement, or some local intelligence and security agency employee had intentionally stolen the supplement from the newspaper to harass the google competitor

Amazon rescheduling delivery repeatedly without a valid reason

As part of the google,tata masterminded goan PROSTITUTION, BRIBERY RACKET, the shameless liar cheater intelligence and security agency employees in goa are falsely claiming that the google,tataa supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan who offers sex services to government employees, gujju school dropout housewife naina, mother of two sons, who bribes them and other fraud raw/cbi employees, who have not paid any money, own the house of the google competitor to give the prostitutes and frauds a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the domain investor
The domain investor is not at her mailing address on sunday unless specified as she spends time with relatives due to the google,tata masterminded identity theft fraud since 2010.
Initially amazon had scheduled the delivery for 27 June 2018, then they changed it to 25 June 2018, and now they have changed the delivery date unilaterally to 24 June 2018, and have not even informed the google competitor in advance
This causes great problems for the google competitor as she has to change her schedule repeatedly, as she is not at her mailing address most of the time due to personal and professional reasons, so Amazon should inform about the delivery date at least one day in advance.

Times of India newspaper not delivered or stolen in panaji, goa

In an indication of the harassment, the Times of India newspaper is not delivered to or stolen from a senior citizen repeatedly
On May 21, 2018, it was not delivered or stolen from to the home in Panaji, Goa
Again on June 5, 2018 , the newspaper was not delivered or stolen from the home again
Anyone else facing a similar problem please contact